Dr. Bonnici's book "Peaceful Light" is a book for everyone and anyone, not just kids I couldn't wait for this book. Having Read Dr. Bonnici's masterpiece, "Boundless Intimacy" several times through, and practicing his teachings for years, I was thrilled when he mentioned a "children's" book. I knew this focus would distill the essential wisdom even further. I read it in one evening and felt the Peaceful Light on every page. Read it to your children, give it to your teens, and experience it yourself. Mark Silverman, Executive Coach
You are making the world a better place! It is in the wonderfully healthful spirit of living life as an art...endeavoring to meditatively play the part of the unblemished or next-to-unblemished Witness to one's internal and external environments. It is the living embodiment of True Appreciation of the miracle of the moment...more and more each moment. It is consistent with True Honesty, promoting of True Happiness and True Freedom - but most importantly, needing less and less to hide behind. It is doing the right thing for the right sake...without the need for selfish recognition or hidden agendas. Dr. Glen Hepker Dear Dr. Bonnici, Thank you very much for your newsletter(s). You have, literally, changed my life. I have a stressful job, my daughter and her two toddlers are living with me, my mom is very ill -- I'm going to San Diego tomorrow to care for her after a major surgery she had on Wednesday -- and money is very tight. But it's OK. I get so in touch with your newsletters and your site. I remember to breathe and meditate more -- even in the midst of a busy day. I get what I need when I need it as long as I make the effort to stay connected, and you show me the way to do that. Just wanted to send some appreciative love. Sincerely, Carroll in Boise, IdahoThank you Dr. Bonnici, Your teaching, counsel, and time with us was like a flower lei of wonderful moments threaded together. You have opened doors, front and back, in our minds and hearts. I am personally enriched by your teachings and your friendship.
Your meditation workshop and the practice sessions to help us understand and actualize the insights and to learn and gain confidence in the resource of our own peace and stillness, were an extraordinary professional development and personal development experience for our leadership team.
We talk about the experience often. Our corporate vocabulary is enriched. We remind each other to take a breath, to refresh our beginner's mind, to return to our core, to be open to each moment.
We are more focused, more creative, more productive, confident, humble and honest as a team and individually. I'm sure we'll use and benefit from the Applied Meditation Therapy insight and skills throughout our business and personal lives in ways that we can't even imagine right now. Jeff Jouett, CEO, Dolphin Quest, California Dear Dr. Bonnici, Thank you again for a wonderful introduction to Applied Meditation Therapy. I have practiced a little each day and find it to be calming and centering. We all appreciate your teachings. Both you and your sone Sensei Tony were very informative and wonderful models of the practice of meditation. You were very inspiring. Diane Sweeney, Creative Resources Advisor CA
Thank you for the Hopi Elders Spiritual Calling and your ten considerations. This is very valuable information at this time. It gives me a lot of faith. It is important for me to love and accept myself so that I can in turn, love others. I pray to become a compassionate,loving and wise person.
Thank you and love always,
Working with Dr. Andrew Shugyo Bonnici and his son Sensei Tony was one of the highlights of our week-long company Strategic Summit. Learning new skills on stress relief through meditation was fun, easy to learn, exciting to practice and immediately implemented into our company culture. Dr. Andrew's professionalism was top notch and his ability to customize his program, to inject humor into each day and to make his teachings grounded and useable in daily life were very impressive. We would recommend Dr. Andrew for any group or individual that wants to improve their life by lowering stress, putting things into perspective and enjoying every experience in life as it happens. Thank you Dr. Andrew and Sensei Tony!
Thank you Dr. Bonnici for showing us how to deepen our connection within ourselves and with each other. Dr. Rae Stone, D.V.M.Co-Owner of Dolphin Quest / Quest Global Management CA
Thanks for sharing your wisdom to help so many people that you will never know... Dear Dr. Bonnici, I just wanted to thank you for all of your help and guidance. Our last talk helped me in finding the courage to get to know myself in a more friendly and compassionate way. I can feel the practice stretching its arms out to contain even those aspects of myself that I don't like. with gratitude, C.S., California
Thank you for devoting the time that you have with this website. I am 23 years old and I've been meditating for about 4 months now. I already see Great results. I know you've helped so many people out there by assisting them to open up their minds, and I pray that I can do the same throughout my life. Thanks and keep up the great work.
"Dr. Bonnici and his son, Sensei Tony really connected with our group and taught us techniques for staying focused and present in a world of multi-tasking and distractions. The Applied Meditation Therapy workshop was the perfect complement to our company's annual Strategic Summit. The daily meditation sessions energized our team and allowed us to be even more productive.Ê
Thank you for your beautiful meditations. I have been teaching several healing modalities and your meditations and beautifull words are always mentioned to my students. I am now relocating to Panama City, Panama and your thoughts will will be passed on.
Thank you and blessings. Dear Dr. Bonnici, Thanks for your wonderful site. In times of tribulation it has been most helpful. Please do not forget to e-mail. It is most helpful to me in my daily life and to me as I try to comprehend and to help those I encounter every day. Eric Mc Clune
Dear Dr. Bonnici, As a young Luthern, I have thought of so many questions regarding my religion and some of these questions have brought others in my church to think of me as a "non-believer". I believe in God and am grateful for each wonder he has created, but I have begun to realize that I cannot base my life and my faith on what others perceive as the "right" way. Instead, I must live my life according to what I believe and work to continue loving myself, caring for myself and living my life the best way I can. Your words on unity and the beautiful life which grows from our "inner mud" touched me and allowed me to take a look at who I am with respect to what I have been and done and the potential for what I can be and can do. I really admire your views of how we are all connected. I have always believed that a deep unity exists within all of us and that we are not as different as we seem. You put that idea into words which were very powerful and meaningful to me.
I look forward to taking the wisdom you shared with my classmates and
applying it to my life. I am now thouroughly curious about how
meditation will affect my life. Thank you once again for spending time
with us!
Yours is a wonderful site which has increased my information about meditation. I practice meditaiton for two years and am an active member of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhayala and would request you to please speak at one of its centers, which will definitely would be in your city.
Your techniques are wonderful and very helpful for everybody.
Please reply me at, your time.
Thanking you,
Greetings, In this time of selfishness and self promotion I have sadly too often pre-judged what I see.
My referring friend challenged me to revisit and re-assess. Congratulations. Yet again I find myself humbled by the focus and wisdom of another. Your sight is far greater than the 'Anthony Robins' face with achievements I was greeted by and I am a better person for having seen my folly. I have e-mailed the link for "Conversation with God" to many friends. Well done to all, most particularly to the enlightened Master.
Dear Dr. Bonnici. I wanted to write something to say how wonderful your site is on the internet. It has been a great help to handle many situations in my daily life. Thank you.
Thank you! I really enjoy your page and newsletter. Please know you help many people grow! Regards and health.
I find this site so deeply encouraging and a great help to face my cancer battle.
Edwin R. Baquero
Excellent site! I will contact you some time for spiritual guidance. Doctor S.Chadha
Respected Sir, It is very organized web site, developed by you. I appreciate your efforts for such superb website that helps for human communications. Dr. Malik Brohi
Dear Dr. Bonnici, such a lovely website, expressing wisdom, tolerance, peace and acceptance. So worthy and valid. My blessings and sincere thanks to you.
Your teachings are a tremendous tribute to humanity.
Dr. Bonnici; Your compassion to us is in this web site, for you expect no money for your perfect insight. Bravo to you; many wanna-be spirits should learn from you.
I am a psychotherapist who has found that much of what you describe is how I work and live. Your web site is wonderful. I feel joy in reading the ways in which you describe your work. I have had some frustration on how to put into words the understanding I have on the transformative nature of meditation and counseling. your web site assists me in my need for that level of clarity. Thank you.
This site was very inspirational, as well as helpful. I am a teenager from the Washington, D.C. area, and I was turning to meditation to clear my life and open my mind. Especially after the events of September 11, 2001 were hitting so close to home. This site helped so much. Thank you for sharing your teachings. I feel more connected with my self and a greater sense of peace. Jane Hartry Bristol, UK.
This is my first visit and as time allows me, I intend to visit frequently. At last, I may find peace.
Gerry Quinn
Dear Dr. Bonnici - My eight-year old son wanted to let you know how much he enjoyed your seated meditation steps. He had never meditated before, and wanted some steps to follow. Thankfully, we found your web-site and were able to follow your simple and clear steps. Although he knows that he is not meditating yet, he still was able to feel very relaxed after following your steps. Thank you for making this information available to us.
I learned a great deal, and will continue to call you up as your site is not only informative but realistic, giving a great deal of assistance. Glen Hearder ladysmithkwa, Kwazulu Natal S.Africa
Dear Dr. Bonnici, Thank you so much for your inspiring deep psychospiritual journey and advice which we all have valued.I always look forward to your monthly meditaiontherapy newsletter
which touches me deeply and leads me to accept thoughts and feelings more realistically and holistically with peace.I had a lot of difficulties in concentration and controlling my thoughts all my life until I practiced Zen meditation with the help of your deep psychological understanding and awareness. Keep up the good work of generosity and the sharing of yourself so faithfully and endlessly. I am sorry I
am from the third world in Papua New Guinea in the Pacific and am not able to make a donation to your worldwide education site. As much as I would like to, but am not able to financially. May the ultimate source of energy and goodness be a help now and always.
Thank you for your Help. Excellent work! Keep it up! Premji Nirmal Mumbai, Mah India
I like very much the vocabulary in your Internet pages , it gives a wonderful insight to this very misunderstood path ..... Spyros Pantelis zografos, Athens Greece
I am just beginning to explore my inner world and to practice meditation. I am finding a way of life I
wish I had explored many years ago. The inner peace and calm I am learning to unleash is
astounding. Your web site has been a great deal of help and assistance. A great survival guide!! Mignon Collins Australia
In these times of increasing violence, confusion your web site opens a window of hope.
It is wonderful to see a person devote such compassion to the needs of our stressed society. I am a personal/professional coach who is also compassionate to the needs of my stressed out clients. I will be recommending your web site and I look forward to visiting it from time to time. Dear Dr Bonnici, I am a psychotherapist and a spiritual retreat leader and I just want to thank you for your Web site. It's really beautiful.....there is a center, and an elegance about the site that I haven't seen anywhere else. Thank you again for sharing these teachings, and many blessings to you and your family. Robert A. Jonas, Ed.D. This, web site has helped me greatly. Thank you Dr. Bonnici!! Yvette ,Nassau, Bahamas
Dear Dr. Bonnici,
I came across your web page by accident....just surfing the net. I am a Clinical Director at a mental health agency in Ohio. I also teach Master's level counseling students at an Ohio college as well. I think that I may mention your website to next semester students. I have saved your e mail address so that I can communicate with you in the future. Please keep in touch. Peace and good will to you
Sincerely, Dear Dr. Bonnici, Thank you for sharing compassion and wisdom on your Vetted. After writing to you today, I went to your wVettedto see if I could find something of comfort at this time of trouble and sadness in our world. The Universe speaks, if we listen. In going to your weVettedI found peace in reading Buddha's therapeutic Path for Living.... I found what I was seeking. Thank you. Please continue your good work. I trust that the Universe in Its infinite wisdom will reward you. Futrsyk Please allow me to send you special thanks for your poem, "Precious Moment is this Only Moment ". Every word penetrates so deeply into the soul. May it be that many people after all, join us in prayers for a better, brighter and more human world. Shelly ZION, Master Reiki, Pardess Hanna, ISRAEL Your site is really wonderful -helping people to live better in todays -fast and tension full life. Thank You, vinod kumar sahu pune, INDIA What a wonderful piece of work! It has given me a lot to think about and I have passed it on to a number of my friends. The feedback has been, as expected, very positive, and they have asked me to thank you on their behalf. Love and Blessings, Val Bridgewater. United Kingdom Thanks a lot for what you are doing. Tania Jakovleva Kaliningrad, Russia
Although we have been practicing Buddhist, we find that our brief visit to your web site answered many questions and provoked more questions. We will be returning to your site often. Thank you for being here. Thank you once again for the inspiration that you are in my troubled life greg, new Zealand
It is a blessing by connecting to your Greg. Thank you very much.
You inspire me and many others. thank you for your kind words, and assistance for a healthier and happier existence.
Thank you for your wonderful suggestions and guidance. You have done a great deed.
Thank you very much for your efforts you made to share with us this valuable knowledge you have. may god bless you for this recommendable job you did.
As a Cognitive Behavioral Psychologist with a long background in spirituality it is refreshing to find a valuable resource where I can keep updated in ways that others use meditation as therapy and how they utilize the Mind, Body, Spirit connection. My first impression is that a great work is being done. I will be returning frequently. Kind Regards. Dr.SIGI AKBAR , Lahore, Pak Pakistan
Well, well, well! Here I am, an American living in Africa, a Methodist's preacher's son, a mildly disillusioned "child of the 60's", surfing the web of the 90's, on Easter Morning (of all days!) and where do I land? At your place! Will wonders never cease? Thanks for the tips on meditation. They were like a gentle request and reminder to return "home". I find it interesting that this miracle of technology still sings with the voices of ancient man's needs.
I met your through your "Signs of Growing Inner Peace" which touched me deeply and was a spiritual experience of ecstasy. I am moving more into my Godness and am so grateful for your sharings. Now I have discovered you at your source and I may have direct contact with your offerings in my life. Thank you. May you continue to be a vehicle for God to touch others. May you sense the power of God using you.
Excellent site, should be investigated by all health practitioners.
I really love your pages and I am so interesting to follow the meditation therapy and still struggling to concentrate my mind and your site supports me to enhance my feelings . I am from Sri Lanka andBuddhistt. For me this site values so much . Nice to see a page like yours. AND SUBMIT YOUR COMMENTS