The diagram above shows how AMT works on the daily refinement of personality, attitudes, core beliefs, and conditioned perceptions as they interact with stressful events. Through therapeutic work with seated meditation, Ki breathing, mindfulness, self-compassion, engaged meditation, and a deeper understanding of the inner law of cause and effect, the individual develops insights into his/her personality dynamics and transforms behavioral stress reactivity into creative stress response-ability, i.e. the ability to respond to stressful conditions with a deeper somatic awareness, clarity, ease, creativity, insight, productivity, and proficiency. Thus, in combination with an exercise program, the individual is empowered to enhance immune system functioning and cellular rejuvenation while simultaneously diminishing the degree of residual stress buildup and chronic autonomic nervous system imbalance. Applied Meditation Therapy® , therefore, is a powerful way of practicing life's stressful conditions in order to simultaneously promote health, healing, wellness, longevity, personal growth, work productivity, interpersonal relations, spiritual integration, and character development. |