A trademark is a word, name, or symbol which is used in national and international commerce to indicate the source of a unique product and to distinguish it from the
products of others. Applied Meditation Therapy,® which is registered as a servicemark is the same as a trademark except that it identifies and distinguishes the primary source as a unique therapeutic educational service that offers teaching training, counseling, coaching, tutoring, and mentoring in a specified professional area rather than an artifact or product.
Owning a federal servicemark registration on
the Principal Register provides several advantages:
1) It serves as a constructive notice to the public of the registrant's claim of ownership of the mark; 2)
It provides a legal presumption of the registrant's ownership of the mark and the registrant's exclusive right to use the mark nationwide on or in connection with the human educational services listed in the registration
3) It gives the owner the ability to bring an action concerning the servicemark in federal court; and 4)
U.S. registration of the servicemark can be used as a basis to obtain registration in foreign countries.
Applied Meditation Therapy® Trademark/Servicemark
The trademark, Applied Meditation Therapy ® is registered under International Class 41 of the United States of America Patent and Trademark Offices and is the intellectual service mark and exclusive property of Andrew Shugyo Bonnici, Ph.D. The official United States Patent Trademark Registration Number for Applied Meditation Therapy® is 2590110 and the Serial Number is 78090133.
Dr. Bonnici is the original creator and user of this service mark and has professionally extended the educational and life training therapeutic services to which it pertains since January 1, 1989. No other individual, group, organization, or company may use this service mark under any condition or for any purpose.
The following exceptions, however, are recognized.
(1) When saving or printing out any pages or portion of pages from ZenDoctor.Com or zendoctor.com (that include the service mark) and are primarily used for self-education or the education of others, as permitted by the conditions set forth in Dr. Bonnici's full copyright notice below; (2) as implicitly allowed for search engine indexing and/or links exchanges: (3) as part of a fair reference to "Applied Meditation Therapy"®
with proper notations to its service mark status, Dr. Bonnici's ownership, and its primary usage at ZenDoctor.Com; or (4) otherwise only with Dr. Bonnici's prior written approval and consent.
Recitation of Services to Which
"Applied Meditation Therapy"® Pertains
Educational services, namely, providing teaching, training, mentoring, couching, tutorial sessions, courses, workshops, and seminars in the cognitive and behavioral skills of Applied Meditation Therapy® for the purpose of
enhancing personal health care, longevity, wellness, stress reduction, pain management,
character development, life style transformation, business productivity and creativity, sports
proficiency, personality refinement, interpersonal growth, and spiritual life integration.
Zen Doctor Trademark/Servicemark

The trademark, Zen Doctor ® is registered in the principal registry under International Class 41 of the United States of America Patent and Trademark Office and is the intellectual service mark and exclusive property of Andrew Shugyo Bonnici, Ph.D. The official United States Patent Trademark Registration Number for Zen Doctor®, is 3162546 and the Serial Number is 78-766-227
Dr. Bonnici is the original creator and user of this service mark and has professionally extended the educational, therapeutic, growth consulting, and life coaching services to which it pertains since December 14, 2003. No other individual, group, organization, or company may use this service mark under any condition or for any purpose.
Recitation of Services to Which "Zen Doctor" Pertains
"Educational services, namely, providing teaching, training, telecounseling, mentoring, peak performance coaching, tutorial sessions, consultations, courses, workshops, and seminars in the cognitive and behavioral skills of Applied Meditation Therapy for the purpose of advancing personal health, longevity, stress reduction, pain management, character development, life style transformation, business productivity, visionary leadership, creativity and intuition, sports proficiency, higher states of consciousness, personality refinement, interpersonal growth, behavioral wisdom, spiritual integration, and multidimensional life success".
All of the written materials, newsletters, audio talks, and bamboo brushwork art at ZenDoctor.Com and all its portals including Zendoctor.Ning.Com, Amtionline.org, Twitter.Com/TheZenDoctor have been copyrighted through the United States Library of Congress. by Dr. Bonnici and all rights are reserved by him. Permission to use any written materials and quote up to 500 words from any of the Newsletters or Interlinked Sites of ZenDoctor.Com is gladly given when accompanied by the following conditions: 1) directly crediting "Dr. Andrew Shugyo Bonnici, Ph.D." and extending an invitation to readers to visit his internet web portal "ZenDoctor.Com" and 2) by sending a copy of the electronic publication or published materials (or a brief note as to how you shared the quotations) by e-mail attachment to (DrB@ZenDoctor.Com) or by snail mail to Dr. Bonnici's office at PO Box 44573, Kamuela, Hawaii 96743.
Written permission is required for use of larger passages, several pages, complete articles or any of the bamboo brush work images. Otherwise no part of Dr. Bonnici's newsletters, art works, teachings, audio talks or writings may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without his permission in writing.

Most countries offer protection to foreign
works under certain conditions which have been greatly simplified by international copyright treaties and conventions. There are two principal
international copyright conventions, the Berne Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Property (Berne Convention) and the Universal
Copyright Convention (UCC).
The United States became a member of the Berne Convention on March 1, 1989. It has been a member of the UCC since September 16, 1955.
Generally, the works of an author who is a national or domiciliary of a country that is a member of these treaties or works first published in a
member country or published within 30 days of first publication in a Berne Union country may claim protection under them. There are no formal
requirements in the Berne Convention. Under the UCC, any formality in a national law may be satisfied by the use of a notice of copyright in the
form and position specified in the UCC. A UCC notice consists of the copyright symbol (©) accompanied by the year of first
publication and the name of the copyright proprietor. This notice must be placed in such manner and location as to give reasonable notice of the
claim to copyright.
Dr. Bonnici's teaching, mentoring, and counsel provided at this web site, including all emails and global
phone or video counseling sessions, are not intended to replace the services of your physician, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, or psychiatrist. Nor are they meant to provide an alternative to professional
medical treatment. Dr. Bonnici and his public educational, mentoring and counseling service at ZenDoctor.Com offers no clinical psychological diagnosis or medical treatment for any physical illnesses, mental disorders, or emotional and behavioral dysfunctions.
applied meditation therapy and visceral core Self mindfulness are suggested as a practice to facilitate one's wellbeing, longevity, character development, relational synergy, peak performance, creativity, deep relaxation, and spiritual growth, it is done 1) to help people enhance the experiential richness, depth, integrity, and joyfulness of their everyday life and caring relationships, 2) to encourage individuals, couples, and groups to actualize the farther reaches of their human potentials, and 3) to educate the public at large about the psychobehavioral practice of Zen meditation as a practical and functional "Way of Life" that is based on core Self wisdoming and a healthy therapeutic approach to living, loving, learning, working, playing, and being.
PRECAUTIONARY NOTE The mental, behavioral, emotional and spiritual teachings expressed throughout ZenDoctor.Com are very practical, extremely gentle, intentionally compassionate, and easily accessible for daily application. If one interprets them clearly and applies them with sincerity and consistency, they will prove beneficial to one's sense of wellbeing, mental clarity, emotional balance, interpersonal growth, and spiritual evolution. However, if you are under any prescribed medications or have a medical issue, mental problem, or any recent surgical procedures, please consult your treating physician, psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, or psychotherapist before trying to interpret and practice the cognitive postures, behavioral techniques, and spiritual alignments on your own.

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